Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Join practitioners, educators, students and scholars from throughout NYS and the U.S. for the NYS Green Building Conference, on March 11 and 2015 including a plenary presentation hosted by Rick Fedrizzi and the USGBC.

This is the premier green conference in New York State.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Green Sanctuary Program

The Green Sanctuary Program provides a path for congregational study, reflection, and action in response to environmental challenges. The Green Sanctuary Program, now in its sixth edition, partners with congregations to address climate change and environmental justice. Congregations that complete the program are accredited as Green Sanctuaries in recognition of their service and dedication to the Earth.
This program provides a structure for congregations to examine their current environmental impacts and move towards more sustainable practices in ways grounded in Unitarian Universalism.  The program has four focus areas:
  1. Environmental Justice acknowledges that marginalized communities are often hit first and hardest by environmental crisis.  In partnering with these communities we are able to address human and environmental needs at the same time.  Environmental Justice emphasizes a shift from providing charity to working in solidarity with the communities most affected by climate change. 
  2. Worship and Celebration is the heart of Unitarian Universalism.  As we work together towards a cleaner, more just and sustainable world, worship enables us to stay connected to each other and to celebrate the work we have accomplished.
  3. Religious Education shapes more than just minds. It shapes attitudes and practices.
  4. Sustainable Living requires us to treat the world more gently by using fewer resources and being mindful of the choices we make.
The Unitarian Universalist Association provides support for your work in this urgent ministry through:
  • Monthly conference calls to review the program and answer questions.  For upcoming calls, contact uua_greensanctuary @
  • Trained volunteer coaches to support congregational leadership.  A coach will be assigned once you have completed Stage 1 of the program.

Green Sanctuary Basics

To begin your journey towards becoming a Green Sanctuary, here are the resources you will need in conjunction with the focus area descriptions above.

For more information contact uua_greensanctuary @
This work is made possible by the generosity of individual donors and congregations. Please consider making a donation today.
Last updated on Friday, October 17, 2014